Gauguin’s Nave Nave Fenua (1893-4)

Guaguin, Nave Nave Fenua (1893-4)

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Believe it or not, Gauguin's face is hiding in this woodcut. See if you can find it before clicking on the next thumbnail...

Left: Diagrammatic detail of Nave Nave Fenua

Right: Detail of Self-portrait by Gauguin

Click image to enlarge.

.....there he is, a plant, in the lower right-hand corner where signatures usually appear. His eye, nose and moustache are all that is needed to indicate his presence to those familiar with his oeuvre though it has never been noted before in print. Feeling at one with nature, Gauguin in identifying with a plant expresses the fertility of his mind. 

See conclusion below

Dozens of other artists have hidden their faces in both similar and different ways. Few of them have been seen either. The other examples on this site are by Gauguin's friend, Van Gogh, as well as Leonardo da VinciCezannePicasso and Miro. Only the Cezanne has ever been seen before. Stay tuned. More will come.


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