
View and read about the artworks featured on EPPH, sorted by Museums. Museums are arranged alphabetically by city.

Amsterdam, Netherlands

Antwerp, Belgium

Aranjuez, Spain

Basel, Switzerland

Bergamo, Lombardy, Italy

Berne, Switzerland

Bologna, Italy

Brussels, Belgium

Buffalo, NY, USA

Cambridge, MA, USA

Cambridge, United Kingdom

Chantilly Oise, France

Charlottesville, VA, USA

Chicago, IL, USA

Cleveland, OH, USA

Coburg, Germany

Dallas, TX, USA

Detroit, MI, USA

Dresden, Germany

Edinburgh, Scotland

Essen, Germany

Geneva, Switzerland

Haarlem, Netherlands

Hamburg, Germany

Hartford, CT, USA

Hertfordshire, United Kingdom

Houston, TX, USA

Indianapolis, IN, USA


Karlsruhe, Germany

Le Mas d’Agenais Lot-et-Garonne, France

Leiden, Netherlands

Lisbon, Portugal

Liverpool, United Kingdom

Los Angeles, CA, USA

Lucca, Italy

Lyon, France

Mannheim, Germany

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